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1. Introduction to the BTL Exilis Elite™

- Introduction of the device: technical specifications, main components.

- Target groups and areas of application.

2. How radio frequency and ultrasound technology works

- Explanation of radio frequency (RF) and ultrasound technology.

- Mechanism of skin tightening and shaping through RF and ultrasound.

- Advantages of the combined use of both technologies.

3. Indications and contraindications

- Suitable areas of application for treatment with the BTL Exilis Elite™.

- Contraindications: When should treatment be avoided?

4. Treatment protocols and application techniques

- Pretreatment: preparation of the skin and the patient.

- Application techniques for face and body.

- Settings and parameters: energy level, duration of treatment, etc.

5. Results and expectations

- Realistic expectations for patients: What can they expect after treatment?

- Before and after pictures and case studies to illustrate the results.

6. Treatment process and aftercare

- Step-by-step instructions for the treatment process.

- Aftercare recommendations for patients: skin care, sun protection, etc.

7. Risks and safety measures

- Possible side effects and risks of treatment.

- Safety measures during treatment: protective goggles, contact with metals, etc.

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